You can use the move It mod to copy a level 3 - 4 - 5 building or take the Find It mod to plop them. If you zone new residential they start at level 1 and more uneduceted pops come. To speed up your education : plop high levelled residential buildings in a high levelled surrounding to attract even highly educated pops to come in your city. If you click on a complaining building there is a workforce panel with detailed info what kind of education is short. Economists suggest it should be enough to ensure that no more than 30 of this income gets spent on housing.1 As such, living wages are often substantially. It is more a time than a capacity problem l think. Maybe your zoning was too fast for the new education ratio and now your buildings levelled up and need more or better educated workforces than your education system can push through in time. My education levels are 9% uneducated 17% educated 8% well and 66% highly educated in a 20 game years city of 15000 pop A screenshot of your population and education overlay could help and how old -game years- is your city ?ĭid you use the education policie ? l don´t think so 68 Share 3.3K views 4 months ago citiesskylines citybuilder cityskylines This Cities Skylines youtube video is about how to fix not enough workers in Cities Skylines.